Griscom Consulting LLPGriscom Consulting LLPGriscom Consulting LLP
+254 722 334954
9am - 5pm

Cybersecurity Training


Cybersecurity Training– Cyber Security training is designed to give a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals, principles and concepts of cyber security. The basic cyber security fundamentals training course is ideal for all staff to equip them with knowledge to safe guard themselves and the organisation’s business against cyber-attacks.. Our offerings include:

  • Overall cybersecurity awareness.
  • The role of non-tech staff in cybersecurity management
  • Understand cyber security and who is at risk from security threats
  • Fundamentals of Cybersecurity;
  • Threat Actors, Attacks, and Mitigation
  • Security Policies and Procedures

Benefits of Cybersecurity Training

  • Increased Security, cybersecurity training makes your business more secure.
  • Empowering your employess to ensure that they know how to spot cyber attacks          in a  timely manner.
  • Save time and money -reduce the chances of losing money through cyber attacks
  • Prevent systems downtimes through cyber attacks.
  • Increase customer confidence in doing business with you.